Sujud-Sahw | Prostration of Forgetfulness | Solat Issues - Al-Ihsan Media

Questions and Answers | Solat Issues

Question : I repeated Sūratul Fātiha In My Solat, Should I perform Sujud-Sahw?

Sūratul Fātiha is one of the compulsory parts of Solat, according to the 4 schools of Fiqh except The Anafīs. The Compulsory part cannot be corrected with Sujud-Sahwi, if intentionally omitted or ignored. 

In this case, Sūratul Fātiha can not be corrected with Sujud-Sahwi but can be repeated to correct mistakes without making any Sujud at the end of the Solat. 

The Solat is valid without making any Sujud.