The Best And Most Influential Names For Children In Islam|Baby Names| Al-Ihsan Media
All praises belong to Allah. May the blessings of Allah be upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, his households and also his companions. Aameen.
It is indeed a bounden duty for a good parent to select the best of names for a child either before or immediately after birth, this is because a new born baby has no privilege to do so by himself/herself, which makes it obligatory for a parent to seek for one of the names which pleases Allah and His Messenger for their new born baby.
Today, Majority of the parents care less about the significance of names and the meaning these names possess. We take names from those that are trending, Google search or names that rhyme with ours like the first letters or the last letters of our names, then we search for names that sound the same way for our children.
It isn't the same for others, but, it has always been an issue of dispute between some couples when deciding about names. Infact , it is one of those minor issues which require no crossing of swords but, unfortunately it has led some relationship to the brink of destruction, or the feeling of antipathy towards one's child. Fathers believe it is theirs to decide upon such matter while mothers suppose that they ought have a say in it after successfully breaking the back of the beast.
Hence, this is a worthwhile reason why we need to carefully examine and analyze the names which are regarded as the best by Allah and His Messenger.
Read this >> Ahmad | The Names Of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
The Best Of All Names Are:
- The Beautiful Names of Allah,
- The Names of Prophets,
- The Names of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ,
- The Names Of Angels,
- The Names of Companions,
- The Names of Iconic Scholars in Islam.
1. The Beautiful Names of Allah:
According to an Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, it says that:
"Verily, Allah swt has 99 names, 100 except 1, whoever memorizes them will enter Jannah." (At-Tirmidhi).
This hadith clearly unfold the magnificent and significant of the names of Almighty Allah. The Holy Prophet also explained further in another hadith related by Abū-Dā'ud, He ﷺ said :
"Name yourselves with the name of the Prophets. The most beloved of all names to Allah are Abdullah (The servant of Allah) and Abdur'Rahmān (The servant of the Merciful), the most truthful of them is Hārith (Cultivator) and Ha'mām (Firm-willed). The ugliest names are Har'b (War) and Mur' (Bitter)."
"There is no one in the heavens or earth who will not come to the Lord of mercy except as a servant" Q19:93.
We are all under His supreme rulership and command, accepted or not, but only a drop in the ocean could bear the burden of this name, because, the name is bigger than it sounds.
The word:
- 'Abdullah' - 'The servant of Allah',
- 'Abdanaa' - 'Our Servant' ,
- 'Abduhu' - ' Servant', and
- 'Abdan' - 'A Servant',
were repeated in the Holy Qur'an 22 times or so. They were used in appraisal and qualification of the Prophets and the pious men except in two cases. As a result, this category of men attained such a position, enjoyed the friendship and company of Allah, and also got elevated to the highest rank above all creations with the virtue of this blessed name. This name 'Abdullah' denotes total submission, humility, love, piety, servitude to none except Allah, reliance, contentment e.t.c.
Abdur'Rahmān is also the second dearest name to Allah. As it can be found in the first verse of the Holy Qur'an, 'In the name of Allah, the Merciful and the Compassionate'. Ar'Rahman (The Merciful) comes next after Allah, likewise in Qur'an 17 verse 110 which says:
("Call upon Allah or The Merciful......").
Both names were attached together in these two verses to indicate the supremacy of Allah and his mercy upon all his creation. It is no mistake that these two names when given to a child, out of love and respect for Allah, will definitely yield success for the child. It'll also have an huge impact and a positive influence upon the named child. However, the other names of Allah are also eminent and noble. We can also look at that direction to pick a name which pleases us the most, but all these names should be prefixed with 'Abd' such as 'Abdul Quddūs', ' Abdul Kareem' e.t.c, so as to show the sign of servitude and humbleness towards Allah.
2. The Names of Prophets:
In the previous Hadith which was stated earlier, the Holy Prophet advised that we should name our children with the names of the Prophets of Allah. There is no two ways about it that the Prophets of Allah are the best of all creation, the leaders of all nations and the best of mankind. 25 of them were mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, Among them were Prophet Ādam, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Prophet Idrīs A.S, Prophet Nūh A.S, Prophet Hūd A.S, Prophet Yūsuf A.S, Prophet Ibrahim A.S, Prophet Ismāīl A.S, Prophet Is'hāq A.S, Prophet Mūsa, Prophet Īsā A.S e.t.c.
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When a child takes one of their names, it is most certain that it will amount to success for him, according to a saying:
"For every person is a share (of good or bad) from his/her name".
3. The Names of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ :
The names of our Noble Prophet are the best of names after the names of Allah swt, just as the Sunnah is next to the Holy Qur'an. It was reported in an Hadith in Sahihul Bukhari that, The Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that:
"Name yourselves with my name but do not name yourselves with my title (such as Abu Qāsim)".
4. The Names of Angels:
Majority of the scholars agreed upon the use of Angels' names, because they are divine creatures who are totally submissive and devoted to the will of Allah. They all agreed except Imam Mālik R.A who prohibits such act. Some of the names of the Angels are :
Angel Jibrīl A.S, Angel Mīkāīl A.S, Angel Ridwān A.S, Angel Raqīb A.S, Angel Malik A.S and so on.
5. The Names Of Companions:
It is also permissible and praiseworthy to take the names of the Sahābah R.A, but we must be careful while doing so. Some of these companions were born in the Jahiliyyah (period of ignorance - the era before the light of Islam). Many of them usually name their children according to their present situations, their nature, their love or hatred for the new born child or towards the mother, while some of them such as farmers and hunters name their children from the name of trees and animals. This is why the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ usually change the names of the Companions whenever he heard an ugly name. So, we should be wary of the name of the companion we would like to take.
6. The Names Of Iconic Scholars:
The names of some of the distinguished and righteous scholars, who lived in devotion to Almighty Allah, by worshipping Him, submitting to His will, and spreading the knowledge of Allah and His Messenger across the lands, are also worth taking as names for our children, because they are also on the firm path of Allah.
"Whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger are among those He has blessed: the messengers, the truthful, those who bear witness to the truth, and the righteous ones- what excellent companions these are!" Q4:69.
Apart from these , there are also other names that are good and appealing from which a parent can choose and use to name his children. It all depends on our motives behind this. May Almighty Allah bless us and bless our kids just as He has blessed the pious ones, Aameen.
May the blessings of Allah be upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his entire household.
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Read more at Wikipedia| Islamic and Arabic Names.
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The Best And Most Influential Names For Children In Islam.
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